Gain qualitative and quantitative market insights from market players and industry experts in over 140 countries, within 48 hours, through B2B interviews in (almost) any industry, conducted by Bell & Holmes for you.

Gain qualitative and quantitative market insights from market players and industry experts in over 140 countries, within 48 hours, through B2B interviews in (almost) any industry, conducted by Bell & Holmes for you.

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Years of Market Experience
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Research Consultants Globally
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Customer Retention Rate
Verified NPS Score
Clients Supported
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Projects Completed
0 +
Years of Market Experience
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Research Consultants Globally
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Customer Retention Rate
Verified NPS Score
Clients Supported
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Projects Completed
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Years of Market Experience
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Research Consultants Globally

The Essentials

Receive 5 to 50 readily conducted qualitative B2B interviews per day, including qualitative and quantitative data points

Fast: 12 to 24 hours project ramp-up time. First interviews delivered to you within 24 to 48 hours

With the experience of over 400 commercial due diligence, strategy and red flag projects supported per year

Capability to cover over 140 countries in native languages

Industry agnostic: Covering (almost) any industry

Sourcing interviews and calling targets for you

No expert network, no survey provider.

We combine the best of both!

The Essentials

Receive 5 to 50 readily conducted qualitative B2B interviews per day, including qualitative and quantitative data points

Fast: 12 to 24 hours project ramp-up time. First interviews delivered to you within 24 to 48 hours

With the experience of over 400 commercial due diligence, strategy and red flag projects supported per year

Capability to cover over 140 countries in native languages

Industry agnostic: Covering (almost) any industry

Sourcing interviews and calling targets for you

No expert network, no survey provider.

We combine the best of both!

Project Examples

Client: Private Equity & Big 4 Company
Challenge: Time Constraint

Context: A private Equity client integrated us into a Commercial Due Diligence they had commissioned to a BIG 4 company. The PE-firm was evaluating a software company that provided software solutions for a particular niche of SME companies.

Result: The interviewing campaign generated >140 interviews in three countries with in-depth qualitative and quantitative information.

Client: Private Equity & Big 4 Company
Challenge: Time Constraint

Context: As part of a CDD interview support, a client evaluated the market size for self-storage facilities to asses market growth, and investment potentials in addition to double-checking the assumed hypothesis.

Result: Accurate market sizing, evaluation of national utilization rate, and the identification of growth and investment opportunities.

“No one else can provide this number of interviews”

“We have been working with all types of primary research vendors, but no one else can provide this number of interviews with great depth on a daily basis steadily and reliably.”

Partner – Big Three Consultancy 

“Market insights within 3 to 5 days”

“With Bell & Holmes’ support, we were able to gain market insights within 3 to 5 days. We appreciate the capability and the new dynamics they have brought into the primary research field.”

Senior Project Manager – Big Three Consultancy 

“Exactly what we were looking for”

“The data from the calls is exactly what we were looking for. The additional commentary included has been incredibly helpful, and the communication has always been prompt and clear.”

Project Manager – Big Three Consultancy 

“Flexible and able to mobilise quickly”

“Been a pleasure working with you guys on this study. Greatly appreciate the flexibility and ability to mobilise quickly to give us the N and the insights which we needed.”

Managing Director – PE Fund 

Do you have a project where we might help?

After a 20-minute call, you will have a fixed price offer for your primary research support. One quick questionnaire is all it takes!

No project but better be prepared?

Get your 15 mins, non-committal introduction to our service. Simply connect with us and we will get back to you shortly.

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